CA or CS: What to choose?

CA or CS: What to choose?

What is the most Popular Career Choice for Commerce Students? Mostly, Chartered Accountancy is to a commerce student, what engineering or medicine is to his science counterpart.

Though, CA is a popular option with an evergreen appeal, CS has its own demand. Nevertheless, students are often confused while making a choice between CA and CS. We at Behere Classes, the Best Commerce Classes in Pune deal with a large number of students every day to help them figure out whether CA or CS would be a suitable option for them.

While both the courses may appear similar in their packaging (foundation course, intermediate and final exam), they train students into two different areas of specialization, and therefore, lead to different job prospects. Now, while CA has ‘accountancy' as a given in its name, the ‘secretary' in CS often misleads people who have no idea about the course. While CA deals with the financial aspect of the business CS deals with the legal aspects of the business. While it's not apparent from the name of the course, CS entails an in-depth study of company law preparing a candidate for a responsible advisory role in guiding corporates as legal entities.

Drawing out the basic distinction between the two courses, Chartered Accountants enjoy a statutory monopoly in audit of financial statements under the Companies Act, 1956, Income Tax Act, 1961 and various other statutes in India. Whereas, the major contribution of Company Secretary (CS) is in corporate sector. CS is designated as an officer under the Companies Act. CS has to interact, coordinate, integrate and cooperate with various other functional heads in a company.

So, both courses are good and have tremendous market demand, but the most important is to understand one's interest and then choose the appropriate course.

Generally it is recommended to go for CS if you have a liking for theoretical subjects. Whereas going for CA is recommended for people who have a strong grip over practical subjects.

Currently students are searching for Best Commerce Classes in Pune from there they can pursue CA Foundation and CS Foundation Course with 100% guaranteed result. We at Behere's Commerce Classes in Pune guide students to choose the right course based on their interest & future prospect.


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