How to Score good in Accounts?

Best Plan for Scoring Good Marks in Accountancy Subject of 12th Commerce By Prof. Aishwarya Phadtare STUDY, PRACTICE, REVISE, RECOLLECT, PRESENT BEAUTIFULLY Accounts is the most favourite and the top scoring subject for every commerce student. With the HSC Board Exams fast approaching everybody must be aiming to score full marks in Book Keeping and Accountancy. So here are a few tips for you to get the best out of your favourite subject. We will consider that you have attended the classes for Accounts in your college or your coaching classes and have solved a few questions of each topic and have understood maximum concepts. So now we can give you a detailed guidance for studying in last 2 months before the Exam. 2 months before the Exam 1) Accounts shall be studied for atleast 1 to 2 hrs everyday. 2) Since the Exam is very near it is the time for you to decide questions of which topics are you going to solve in the Exam (eg: Admission or Retirement, Dissolution or shares)...