How to Smash Your Ambitious Goal in 30 Days

You can do incredible things in 30 days. Many of us only do a fraction of what is possible because of our thinking, our planning, and the obstacles that throw us off course. But what if you could plan for all that?
Last month, I challenged myself to accomplish an ambitious goal in 30 days. Without any idea how I’d do it, I challenged myself to make an extra $1,000 in one month. I used 6 simple steps to get me to my goal. The result? I didn’t just hit it, I smashed it. I made more than $1,500 in 30 days, and blew my own mind.
These are the exact steps I used to do it. Use them for any goal you want to achieve this month:

1. Pick your goal

Make it something that will require you to do and is achievable in 30 days. Push yourself. Be sure it’s concrete and measurable. How will you know that you’ve achieved your goal? Decide on the exact date and time you will have the goal accomplished for. Write down your goal and the date you’ll have it completed by  and keep it somewhere you’ll see it every day.
Example goal:
30 days from now at 11:59pm, I will have made an additional $1,000 for the month. I will know I’ve achieved my goal because I will have an extra $1,000 in my bank account.

2. Decide how you’re going to think about this goal ahead of time

Our thoughts are what create our feelings. In order for you to feel confident, capable or whatever emotion you want to generate to drive you forward, you will need to think the thoughts that get you into this mindset – again and again. Choose the emotion you want to feel while working towards this goal, then write out 5 thoughts that you will practice every day that can create that feeling for you. How you feel while you’re working towards this goal will ultimately determine what actions you take, and what result you’ll create.
Example thoughts:
Feeling: Confident
  • I’m going to smash this goal.
  • It’s easy to make an extra $1,000 a month.
  • $1,000 extra dollars is absolutely achievable for me this month.
  • I won’t quit until I reach this goal.
  • I am fully capable of making an extra $1,000 this month.

3. Write out every single thing you need to do to get to your goal

Make a list of everything that you must do in order to get to your goal. Include absolutely everything. You’re planning what needs to be done, in detail, ahead of time. This then becomes your road map to follow.
Example list of to dos:
  • Reach out to Temp Agencies for temporary work.
  • Create a dog-walking profile online.
  • Search one-time jobs available on Kijiji.

4. Write out all of the obstacles that could block you from your goal

For any goal worth achieving, there are going to be obstacles. They’re what’s in between you and your goal right now. Consider every possible obstacle that could keep you from reaching your goal this month. This may seem tedious and unnecessary, but a huge reason we don’t reach our goals is because we don’t anticipate the challenges that will arise as we’re following our road map. Taking time now will save an exorbitant amount of time when the obstacle inevitably shows up.
Examples of obstacles:
  • I will have limited hours to do extra work.
  • People do not know me yet and may not trust me with their pet.
  • People may not pay me for the work I do for them.

5. Come up with a strategy for each obstacle

Decide on an actionable strategy you will take to combat each obstacle. When the obstacle arises, you’ll be ready, knowing exactly the action you need to take to overcome it. You won’t want to do this. You’ll want to just roll with the punches, but the punches cause so many of us to quit. Plan your solutions ahead of time so you won’t get pushed off course when the problems arise. You’ll already have the answers.
Example strategies for obstacles:
  • I will handle limited time by managing my time carefully, working over my lunch hours, and on evenings and weekends.
  • I will handle people not knowing and trusting me yet by introducing myself and being transparent and genuine in our interactions. I will also connect with people who do know me and people that they know.
  • I will handle people not paying me by having a concrete discussion ahead of time, and if possible, receive payment before the work.

6. Plug your To Do list in to your calendar and commit to it no matter what

Don’t skip this step! Plug all of your action items into your calendar for the entire month. By plugging each action you need to take into your calendar, you relieve so much pressure from yourself. You won’t be forced to make so many decisions each day, you’ll simply have to honor your calendar. Your brain will not need to make choices – which can drain us — leaving less room for it to decide whether it does or does not feel like taking action. It won’t matter how you feel when the day comes, since you’ve already planned your day’s To Do list, and you’re committed to completing it no matter what.
By doing each of these steps, you’ve zeroed in on a specific goal and are fueling yourself to follow through with it by generating the exact feeling that will help you get there. You now have a clear, actionable road map to follow, with the precise tasks you need to complete each day. You’ve considered the obstacles that will arise on your way to achieving your goal, and have calculated strategies to overcome each of them. It’s all plugged in to your calendar, and just needs to be followed. It’s as good as done.
What goal will you smash in the next 30 days? 


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