Time is money- A lesson for everyone

Time is money- A lesson for everyone
Time is Money, Time is priceless and Time is precious, all the taglines are almost with the same meaning. Overall, time refers as that unstoppable thing which just runs and runs and can never wait and comes back for anyone. Time neither can be purchased nor can be stored, you just have to live your life according to always running time with better use of it.
Importance of time differs for all age of people. Once a kid is grown up, his or her childhood never comes back; similarly a student always tries his/her best throughout the year for getting good marks or grade just because they know the importance of time.
A person gets life for once only and this is the biggest fact of universe. It is only depends on us that how we use it, whether we get lots of achievement during our life or just spoil it by wasting our precious time. Intelligent people are those who manage and live according to the time by using each and every moment of their precious life and did some great works which remind us about those people.
There is a famous story which is the good example of this phrase “Time is Money”. In this story, an ant spent it’s all time of summer season in collecting food for the season of winter and Grasshopper was happy with the food that he had for that time only. When winter came ant had plenty of food in storage as she was much aware about the importance of time. Whereas grasshopper had nothing to eat in winter season as he was happy in relaxing and wasting his time. Thus, we all should be like an ant in order to face different circumstances in life.
Above story is just an example but has an important essence of life, this formula should be followed by all of us to get extreme success in life. By using our precious time we cannot only improve our own quality of life but also can contribute in the betterment of society and nation.

If we still not understand the value of time we will not be able to get any kind of success in life. Thus we should all respect the value of time and also teach our new generations to do the same. 


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