How to study for long Hours

How to study for long Hours

We all have faced examination traumas and know how difficult it is to finish an entire year’s syllabus in just a week or maybe even a day. It is when examinations are knocking on our doors that we panic and search for ways to complete everything as soon as possible. We think of studying for 12 to 16 hours straight. You may have heard many say that long hours study methods are ineffective but we all swear by last moment studies. Let us look at some pointers that explain us tips to study for long hours effectively.
How to Study for Long Hours Without Getting Distracted:
Distractions are common, especially when students are studying. In today’s internet-friendly world where Facebook, Whatsapp, Mobile, etc. have become an integral part of our lives the chances of getting distracted easily are even more. To overcome all such distraction while studying you can follow these tips.
1)       Put your phone on silent mode
2)       Switch off your Internet access.
3)       Get yourself 8 hours of sleep every night.
4)       Take a deep breath just when you’re getting distracted.
5)       Take complete privacy.
How to Study for Long Hours with Concentration:
Concentration is very helpful for students while studying, especially during exams. It helps you to avoid all kind of distractions. Some of the tips to follow for studying long hours with concentration are:
1)       Know the purpose
2)       Fix a Place
3)       Good Sleeping Habits
4)       Meditation
5)       Plan your study smartly
6)       Short breaks in between
7)       Plan a proper Routine
8)       Food and Fitness
9)       No usage of the Internet
10)   Avoid over socializing


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