Biggest Time Wasters of Student's Life

Biggest Time Wasters of Student’s Life:

We only have 86,400 seconds in a day and its totally on you whether you invest it trying to develop yourself and becoming a better person everyday or you can waste it doing all the unnecessary things which degrade you! So you need to decide, either you can Invest Time or You will Waste it. Free up your schedule, identify time wasters and take action to deal with them.

Here we are providing Biggest Time Wasters of Students Life.

1. Wasting time in social media:
Wasting time on Facebook and Twitter. Playing with apps. Emailing and texting. Buying every stupid little gadget ever imagined. You quit doing all that, you’ll have more time to actually get things done than you know what to do with.

2. Not saying No:
Taking on too much adds excessive pressure and prevents you from working and studying at your best. That means everything takes longer; more time is stolen. If you can’t say no, it means you don’t value your time and you are allowing others to choose how you should spend it. So students must concentrate on studying rather than wasting time on unnecessary.

3. Video Games:
Losing sleep because you're playing too late at night, playing for too long when you have homework and other work to do, using video games as a way of avoiding the realities of your college life, not meeting new people because you're alone in your room playing video games too much affects your Physical and mental health.

4. Not getting enough sleep:
Staying up too late regularly, missing so much sleep that you aren't functional during the time you are awake, having your academic work suffer, having your physical, mental, and emotional health suffer from lack of sleep isn’t good for your study as you loose your focus and start suffering from various diseases.

5. Using Internet:
Stumbling around just to keep boredom away, looking at sites you weren't interested in in the first place, reading about people and/or news that have no connection or impact on your time in school or on your studies is totally a waste of your precious time.

6. Partying all the time:
Engaging in unhealthy behaviors that impede your ability to do things like homework and other daily works.

7. Using Mobile phone:
Texting every 10 seconds with a friend while trying to do another task, using your phone as a camera/video camera all the time, checking Instagram at bad times in class, in conversation with others, etc. or always feeling like it's the priority instead of your task at hand is the biggest obstacle between students and their educational success.

8. Watching TV:
Watching Movies, Series, Matches on regular basis becomes a bad habit which later impacts on studies and as a result student starts scoring low marks in Exams.


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