10 ways to prepare for your Board Exam
10 ways to prepare for your board exam:- If you are preparing for 12 Board Examination you should keep following 10 study tips to learn better and score great marks in examination! 1. Stay Calm don’t Panic during study. 2. A famous thought of Abraham Lincoln – “Give me 6 hours to chop down a tree I will spend first four hours sharpening the axe.” Every student should have well plan of study. 3. Being good at any subject is not an inborn talent one must do hard work for it. Don’t Forget “Hard work beats Talent if Talent doesn’t work hard.” 4. Don’t believe multitasking can save your time. As per research a person who does one work at a time can do it more effectively than a person who is trying to multitask. 5. Give priority to studies, you can give time to your friends or relatives after exam, you need to focus on studies and exam. 6. Keep your Cell phone away while studying. Uninstall time wasting applications, if they won’t help you in exams. ...